I am committed to loving and leading the people of Jerusalem Church alongside the other elders. I long to see our people find hope and comfort in Jesus as they receive his Word and sacraments by faith. I also long for them to love and delight in one another.
Pastor Jonathan Shirk

Thank you so much for visiting our website. God is at work in our church and we are grateful and excited to see where He will lead us in the coming years. Together, by God's grace and Spirit, we are working hard to follow and obey Jesus and always seeking to better align ourselves with God's Word. We are committed to becoming a more focused, faithful, and fruitful local church. We see the Holy Spirit graciously working to deepen our fellowship and to produce greater fruit in us.
Our church is focused on Jesus Christ and how we can best pursue our greatest happiness in him. He is our Senior Pastor and he is leading us into greater intimacy with God. We would love for you to stop by some Sunday and worship with us to get a better sense of how God's sovereign grace is at work in us. Come and revel in the glory of God with us!
Grace to you.


Hometown: New Holland, PA
Elementary School: Hinkletown Mennonite School
Middle & High School: Garden Spot (1997)
College: Grove City College (2001)
Seminary: Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (2006)
How did you meet Kristina? At a high school basketball game our senior year. My basketball season was over and the LMH boys team was great that year. I followed LMH during the district and state playoffs. I met Kristina for the first time at one of the games after hearing she was going to Grove City College.
How many children do you have? Four amazing kids.
What are your hobbies? Time w/ my family, basketball, PA baseball, Steelers, fly fishing, reading, playing guitar and singing, listening to music, recording original rap songs with my kids (HERE).
Favorite food? Probably ribeye steak.
Been anywhere cool? Jamaica, Russia, France, Greece, and yes, even Penryn, PA.
Who would you like to have lunch with? My wife at an ethnic restuarant.