Jerusalem Church or not, our deepest desire is that you find a gospel-centered church to partner with.
Are you unhappy with your current church?
Are there good reasons to leave a church?
Do you know when to leave a church?
Do you know how to lovingly leave a church?
Do you know what to look for in a new church?
What are the signs of a healthy church?
We offer you these resources to help you answer these questions.
3 Wrong Reasons to Leave Your Local Church-and 5 Right Reasons to Stay by Chris Gordon
5 Tips on Leaving a Church the Right Way by Acts 29 Network
Good Reasons for Moving On by Jason Helopoulos
What to Do If You're Chronically Frustrated at Church? by Brett McCracken
What Should I Look for When Choosing a New Church Home? by John MacArthur
What Should I Look for In a Church? by 9Marks
4 Questions to Ask Before Joining a Church by Brian Croft
Is church membership really that important?
We think it is because God says it is. If you are not a member of a local church, please consider studying the Bible on this topic and examining your heart. You need the shepherding ministry, love, care, and fellowship of a local church.
The Purpose & Blessing of Church Membership by Rev. Jonathan Shirk
Find a NAPARC church HERE.
Find a Gospel Coalition church HERE.